Authors: Valentina Carriero, Arianna Graciotti, Eleonora Marzi, Valentina Presutti
Part of: MusicBo
Source: SPARQL endpoint
{'sparql_endpoint': '', 'template_mode': 'statistics', 'title': 'Music in Bologna - Knowledge Graph Overview', 'color_code': ['#03ecfc', '#00fa79'], 'section_name': 'MusicBo', 'subtitle': "Exploring Bologna's role in music history through Knowledge Extraction", 'curator': 'Valentina Carriero, Arianna Graciotti, Eleonora Marzi, Valentina Presutti', 'description': "MusicBO corpus contains 135 texts in 4 languages (Italian, English, French, and Spanish) published between 1800 and today and referring to a period between 1600 to the present. We processed the corpus with Natural Language Processing and Understanding (NLP/NLU) technologies to retrieve, integrate and disseminate knowledge about Bologna's role in the European musical landscape.", 'action': 'save', 'dynamic_elements': [{'position': 0, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <>}', 'count_label': 'people', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 1, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <>}', 'count_label': 'organisations', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 2, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <>}', 'count_label': 'countries', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 3, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <>}', 'count_label': 'cities', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 4, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?count) WHERE {?s rdf:type <>}', 'count_label': 'works of art', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 5, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <>}', 'count_label': 'publications', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 6, 'operations': [], 'type': 'chart', 'chart_type': 'barchart', 'chart_title': 'Top 10 types of entity', 'chart_query': 'SELECT ?label (count(distinct ?s) as ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type ?class; <> ?name \r\nFILTER regex(str(?class), "(?:^") BIND (REPLACE(STR(?class), "^.+?([^/#]+)$", "$1") as ?label)} \r\nGROUP BY ?label \r\nORDER BY DESC (?count) \r\nLIMIT 10 ', 'chart_series': 'entities', 'chart_legend': {'x': 'entity type', 'y': 'count'}, 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 7, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p>We analysed MusicBO corpus through the lens of Named Entities Recognition (NER), a standard Natural Language Processing task. We discovered that the entanglement of Bologna and music history is a composite network of people, places, and organizations. Publications, works of art and books are frequently mentioned in the corpus, revealing that Bologna was an important centre for artistic production.</p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 8, 'operations': [], 'type': 'chart', 'chart_type': 'barchart', 'chart_title': 'Top 10 situations involving people', 'chart_query': 'PREFIX rdf: <> \r\nPREFIX rdfs: <> \r\nSELECT distinct ?label (count(distinct ?s) as ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <> . ?frameInstance ?p ?s ; rdf:type ?frame . ?frame rdfs:label ?label } \r\nGROUP BY ?label \r\nORDER BY DESC(?count) \r\nLIMIT 10', 'chart_series': 'event type', 'chart_legend': {'x': 'situation', 'y': 'frequency'}, 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 9, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p>According to the insights extracted from the MusicBO corpus through NLP and NLU techniques, people linked to Bologna and related to music were mainly involved in events and situations that implied the creation and production of art.</p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 10, 'operations': [], 'type': 'chart', 'chart_type': 'barchart', 'chart_title': 'Persons in situations', 'chart_query': 'PREFIX rdfs: <> \r\nPREFIX dul: <> \r\nSELECT ?label (count(distinct ?frameInstance) as ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <> . ?frameInstance ?p ?s ; rdf:type ?frame . ?frame rdfs:label ?frameLabel . ?frame rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event . \r\n?s <> ?label \r\nFILTER (!regex(str(?s), "san_petronio",\'i\'))} \r\n \r\nGROUP BY ?label \r\nORDER BY DESC (?count)\r\nLIMIT 10 ', 'chart_series': 'events', 'chart_legend': {'x': 'persons', 'y': 'frequency'}, 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 11, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p>Among the many people in the MusicBO corpus, Rossini is the most frequently mentioned as involved in events and situations.</p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 12, 'operations': [], 'type': 'chart', 'chart_type': 'doughnutchart', 'chart_title': 'Top 10 roles played by people in different types of situations', 'chart_query': 'PREFIX rdf: <> \r\nPREFIX rdfs: <>\r\nSELECT distinct ?label (count(distinct ?s) as ?count) \r\nWHERE {?s rdf:type <> . ?frameInstance ?p ?s ; rdf:type ?frame . \r\n#?frame rdfs:label ?label \r\nBIND (REPLACE(STR(?p), "^.*/([^/]*)$", "$1") as ?label) \r\nFILTER (!regex(str(?p), "entity_")) \r\nFILTER (!regex(str(?p), "#")) \r\nFILTER (!regex(str(?p), "subset")) } \r\nGROUP BY ?label \r\nORDER BY DESC(?count) \r\nLIMIT 10 ', 'chart_series': '', 'chart_legend': {'x': '', 'y': ''}, 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 13, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p>What roles did people linked to music and the city of Bologna played? Characters relevant to the music scene that crossed Bologna over the centuries were mostly authors and artists, but also office holders, writers, agents, and editors. Such insights suggest that Bologna was both a point of reference for artistic production and for music-related activities, as criticism and business. Last but not least, Bologna attracted music students.</p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 14, 'operations': [], 'type': 'map', 'map_title': 'Bologna as a lively cultural centre in Europe', 'map_points_query': 'PREFIX rdfs: <>\r\nPREFIX dul: <>\r\nPREFIX owl: <>\r\nPREFIX rdf: <>\r\nPREFIX dbpedia: <>\r\nPREFIX sc: <>\r\nPREFIX schema: <>\r\nPREFIX wdt: <>\r\nPREFIX wikibase: <>\r\nPREFIX p: <>\r\nPREFIX wd: <>\r\nPREFIX ps: <>\r\nPREFIX psv: <>\r\nPREFIX wdr: <>\r\nPREFIX amr: <> \r\nSELECT DISTINCT ?point ?label ?frameInstance ?lat ?long\r\nWHERE { \r\nSERVICE <> { \r\n\t?point wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q515 . \r\n\t?point p:P625 ?coords_stmt . \r\n\t?coords_stmt ps:P625 ?coords; \r\n\tpsv:P625 [ wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat; wikibase:geoLongitude ?long ] . }\r\n \r\n ?cityUri rdf:type amr:City ; owl:sameAs ?point ; amr:name ?label . \r\n\tFILTER (regex(str(?point), "", "i")) \r\n\t?frameInstance ?p ?cityUri ; rdf:type ?frame .\r\n}', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 15, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': "<p>[PLEASE; XThis map shows that, in MusicBO corpus, many other places throughout Europe are mentioned in relation to Bologna. Unveiling an intricate net of connections, this data underlines Bologna's pivotal role as a pulsating hub within the European music scene. </p>", 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}]}
MusicBO corpus contains 135 texts in 4 languages (Italian, English, French, and Spanish) published between 1800 and today and referring to a period between 1600 to the present. We processed the corpus with Natural Language Processing and Understanding (NLP/NLU) technologies to retrieve, integrate and disseminate knowledge about Bologna's role in the European musical landscape.