About us
The database of bibliographic references in Global Education and Learning
The database of Global Education and Learning (GEL database) was established following several years of work on the development of the Global Education Digest, a bibliography of Global Education research. The first edition compiled literature published from 2015-2017, and was followed by editions in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Over time, the Digest has expanded to incorporate research in an increasing number of languages, with the 2022 edition including 10 languages: English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovakian, and Spanish.
This multilingual approach not only increases the visibility of the rich research on GE in the languages included, but also encourages cross-fertilisation and provides access for policymakers to more research. The inclusion of further languages has been made possible by the work of an extensive team of researchers from each language background. The production of the Digest was coordinated by the Development Education Research Centre (DERC) on behalf of Global Education Network Europe (GENE) in the framework of the ANGEL Network.
The Academic Network for Global Education
ANGEL, the Academic Network for Global Education and Learning was established in 2017 through close cooperation between Global Education Network of Europe (GENE) and the Development Education Research Centre (DERC) at the UCL Institute of Education, (UK) and with the University of Bamberg (Germany), the University of Oulu (Finland) and the University of Bologna.
ANGEL aims to establish and reinforce relationships among scholars and academic institutions working in Global Education and related areas. It also wishes to create and strengthen links between researchers and policymakers to enable research-informed policymaking.
Previous editions
GEL Printed editions
The project is coordinated by Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi
The GEL database project is coordinated by Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi (UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education, University of Bologna) with the support of Dr. Carla Inguaggiato (University of Bologna).
Research Team (here below are listed all contributors that contribute to all digest editions):
English: Natalya Hanley-Kan, Anielka Pieniazek, Frances Hunt, Prof. Douglas Bourn (UCL Institute of Education) and Giannis Efthymiou (Brunel University London / UCL Institute of Education), Cuicui Li (East China Normal University), Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi (Uni. Bologna / UCL Institute of Education) with the support of Kester Muller and Nicole Blum (UCL Institute of Education)
French: Cécile Giraud (ENABEL) and Virginie Vanhée (Ind. Researcher)
Finnish/ Suomi: Riikka Suhonen (University of Helsinki), Vihtori Kylänpää (University of Oulu), Hanna; Posti-Ahokas (University of Helsinki), Oona Piipponen (City of Espoo), Tuija Kasa (University of Helsinki)
German: Annette Scheunpflug, Susanne Timm (University of Bamberg), Rachel Bowden (TU Dresden)
Italian Luca Vittori (University of Bologna), Carla Inguaggiato (University of Bologna), Francesca Rapana (University of Verona), Stefania Moser (University of Bolzano), Giulia Filippi (University of Bolzano), Laura Landi (University of Reggio Emilia), Martina Giurato (University of Bologna), Raffaella Faggioli (University of Bologna), Rita Locatelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Portuguese: La Salete Coelho (University of Porto & Polytechnic of Viana do Castelo), Dalila P. Coelho (University of Porto), Joana Costa (Sinergias ED), Mónica Lourenço (University of Aveiro), Francisco P. Silva (University of Aveiro) PLUS FROM BRAZIL: Silvia Moraes (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil), Lara Söldon Braga de Holanda (Federal Institute of Ceará), Perpétua Socorro Lopes Sampaio (Francisco Jaguaribe State School), & Robson Campanerut da Silva (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará)
Spanish: Adelina Calvo Salvador and Carlos Rodríguez-Hoyos (Universidad de Cantabria), Silvia Espinal Meza (University of Bristol, UK) & Diego Posada (University of Padova, Italy)
Slovak: Kristína Rankovová, Mária Hodorovská (Comenius University in Bratislava)
Polish: Magdalena Kuleta-Hulboj, Dobrawa Aleksiak (University of Warsaw)
Dutch: Maayke Fenne De Vries (UCL Institute of Education)