Pedecerto Search Engine
Pedecerto is a program for the automatic analysing of Latin verses developed by the Università di Udine as part of the Traditio patrum FIRB project. Its application to the Musisque Deoque digital archive – containing Latin poetry texts from the archaic period to the 7th century AD – has enabled the scansion of nearly 259,000 dactylic verses. On this site, a specifically developed search engine that draws upon the results of the scansion may be used to conduct metrical investigations of the corpus, through a variety of approaches. The Free scansions page offers a simplified but immediately usable demo version of the scanning program.
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This record catalogues a digital scholarly object as an instance of the DCAT DataService class. These objects represent digital forms that enable interaction with data/information via user interfaces. They are directly connected to the DCAT Dataset class. See the Documentation page for more information.