DASI - Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions


DASI seeks to gather all known pre-Islamic Arabian epigraphic material into a comprehensive online database, with the aim to make available to specialists and to the broader public a wide array of documents often underestimated because of their difficulty of access. By means of a digitization process through a hybrid data entry/xml system, DASI gives access at present to more than 8,600 Ancient South Arabian inscriptions and 600 more anepigraphic objects, for the most part recorded by the University of Pisa team under the direction of Alessandra Avanzini. Thanks to the collaboration with other major European centres for the study of the Arabian Peninsula, also parts of the corpora of the Ancient North Arabian inscriptions (supervision by Mr. M.C.A. Macdonald, University of Oxford), Nabataean inscriptions (supervision by Dr. Laila Nehmé, UMR 8167, CNRS-Paris) and other Aramaic inscriptions (under the supervision by Dr. Maria Gorea, Université de Paris VIII) have been digitized. DASI project was funded by the European Community within the Seventh Framework Programme “Ideas”, through an ERC – Advanced Grant awarded to Prof. Alessandra Avanzini at the University of Pisa (2011-2016). The Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, additional participant of the project, was responsible for the technical development of the archive, which is now maintained at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale.

Primary Subjects

Arabic language and literature, Archaeological sciences, Epigraphy.

Start Date


End Date


Associated Entities

Università di Pisa, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Université de Paris VIII, University of Oxford, Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Scuola normale superiore, Istituto di scienze del patrimonio culturale.


Alessia Prioletta, Jeremy Johns, Alessandra Avanzini, Irene Rossi, Maria Gorea, Laïla Nehmé.


Paris, Oxford, Pisa.

Research Activities

Organizing, Transcribing, Imaging.

Technologies Used

EpiDoc, OAI-PMH.


DASI Archive.



Project Status


Research Project

This record catalogues digital scholarly activity (academic research projects) as an instance of the PROV-O Activity class. See the Documentation page for more information.

