ArchAIDE is an international project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, that created a new system for the automatic recognition of archaeological pottery to optimise and economise this process, making knowledge accessible wherever archaeologists are working. Among its resuts the project produced: A knowledge-base of pottery forms, decoration styles and stamps used as reference by the automatic pottery classification tools; Machine learning algorithms for decoration and shape recognition from pottery sherds; A mobile app (iOS, Android) supporting archaeologists in their work on the field which integrates recognition tools and knowledge-base; A web site (ArchAIDE Desktop) providing the same services as the app to internet users and much more.
Primary Subjects
Start Date
End Date
Associated Entities
Archeology Data Service, York University, Deep Learning Lab, Tel Aviv University, CNR-ISTI Visual Computing Lab (VCL), MAPPA Lab, ARQUB, Universitat de Barcelona, Università di Pisa, Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, CoDArchLab - Archaeological Institute, Universität zu Köln.
Research Activities
Technologies Used
RDF, 3DHOP, Python, Triplestore.
ArchAIDE Pottery Models, ArchAIDE Multilingual Pottery Vocabularies, ArchAIDE Training Software, ArchAIDE Desktop.
Bibliographic References
Project Status
Research Project
This record catalogues digital scholarly activity as an instance of the PROV-O Activity class. This activity represents academic research projects that have produced digital scholarly objects. See the Documentation page for more information.